Lauren & Joseph
Lauren & Joseph

We're getting married!

Lauren Velocci
Joseph Palmese

September 20th 2024
Great Neck New York
176 Days Ago

Joe and I met online through Match.  I have had experiences with online dating before so I knew what to expect going into it. Joe did not.  Match was his first and last dating app, lucky guy. I joined Match in February 2021 and wanted to try something a little more serious than the other dating apps. Joe joined Match in March 2021.  One of the reasons why he decided to finally try online dating was because his brother John met his wife Michele on a dating app. Ten days later (yes only ten days on Match) Joe found my profile and matched with me.  

When I received the notification that he liked my photo, I thought he was cute. So I took a chance and liked him back.  At this point of my dating life, I was just seeing where things go with the guys I matched with because just like anyone else that has tried the dating apps, you get ghosted, left on read, etc. That night that we matched, we talked for hours.  I realized it was different with him. He was honest, funny and nice.  He had such a great personality.  One of the first conversations that we had he asked me where I was from? I thought oh no I forgot to change my location to Queens.  On my dating apps, I would put different parts of Long Island because when I put Queens, I would get guys in Manhattan or out of state like New Jersey or Connecticut.  I knew I was not going to travel all the way out of state or Manhattan.  Plus my experience with the guys from out of state just didn't last. So I put Merrick (this is where my brother-in-law is from).  Now Joe is from Bellmore and he knew right away that I was not from Merrick because according to him, he knows everyone. I told him that I was from Queens and when I explained to him why I put Merrick, he laughed. (We still say that our relationship was first built on a tiny lie).

Now in between then and our first date, my dad comes home with COVID and my mom and I tested positive about a week later. And of course it was my birthday weekend so yes, I was sick for my birthday. I didn't tell Joe that I had COVID because tension was still high where everyone was wearing masks and keeping everyone 6 ft. apart. Joe finally asked me if I wanted to go on a date. I was so excited but nervous because I didn’t want to give him the idea that I wasn’t interested in the date. I told him if we can go out after Easter because I knew in my head that quarantine would be over. In sweet Joe fashion he said that's fine but asked if I gave up going out for Lent? (I never laughed so hard because anyone that knows me knows I love to go out and have a good time). I told him aww that's so sweet but I am sick with COVID and my quarantine would be over on Friday.  In that moment and the week of our date, I saw the caring side of Joe. He constantly checked on me to see if I was okay and would recommend shows for me to watch. He recommends I watch the Madalorian - and I fell in love with Baby Yoda but I think I was falling for Joe too without realizing it.

Finally, I was done with quarantine and Joe and I had our first date. We went to Kraft in Lynbrook.  I was so excited to go out because I've been in bed for days.  I showed up first and then Joe was 4 minutes late to the date - I still say that to him when we are late to things. I stayed in the car until he parked his car in front of me and he walked to my car and opened the door for me.  I thought chivalry died but it did not with Joe. To this day, he opens and closes every door that I walk though.  I told my best friend about him and anytime I went on a date, I send her a picture of him, his name, his phone number, shared my location and where we are meeting. You never know these days so I was always trying to stay protected. When we got in there, it was so loud but we made the most of it and had such a good time.  Joe wanted dessert so we went across the street to TCBY. We just couldn’t stop talking which was weird for me because my dates were never like this.  I don't know how but got into a game of thumb war and I did my cheat sneak and he was like what the hell was that and we just laughed and sat there holding hands and then it got quiet and we looked at each other.  I think in that moment, we knew this was a forever thing.  So it was 2am and he had to be at work at 7am – Joe works in NYPD - so I rushed out of the car and he walked me to my car and hugged me. I got in my car and right away called my friend and the first thing I asked was the date was great but he didn't kiss me.  Half asleep, my friend was like he is being respectful but its 2am Lauren, go to bed.

Joe and I talked every day after our first date. He was already planning our 2nd date. I was not used to this at all because usually guys that I've been on a date with usually it’s a first date and that's it.  In the beginning, it was fast.  Every weekend, we were hanging out. One weekend, I met his parents and then the next day he met my parents. That was a big deal for me because no one has ever met my family.  In my head, I knew we were exclusively dating but not officially so one day at dinner, he talked about us dating. I said yes we are exclusively dating but not officially. You need to ask me to be your girlfriend. I didn't need no fancy proposal but just ask me. Joe looked at me like what the hell we are dating but he said fine he will do that for me.  Now, I am a school counselor so I usually would call Joe in the morning to wake him up for work. On April 20th, I called him and said good morning sunshine.  He said good morning boo and was letting out a good stretch.  After he yawned he said I love you. I could imagine his face and I was shocked but smiling from ear to ear. I finally spoke and said its okay. He started saying oh my God it is too soon. I start laughing and I said its okay because you were in the moment to say it.  Now was I ready to say it back but I just felt it wasn't my time to say it.  Four days later - yes, I had this man wait four days - We went out to dinner and came back to my place and hung out. We got into a conversation and I grabbed his face and looked him into the eyes and started to talk to him. He was like ugh I want to say something but he didn’t want to say it again ( I knew he wanted to say I love you) This was when I wanted to say it so I told him well you already said it so you can say it again.  He said I love you, I paused and I said I love you too Joe.  He was like omg you said it. But don’t say it if you don’t mean it though. I chuckled and said yes babe I mean it. That evening, we were lying down and we were talking and I said that well you still didn’t ask me to be your girlfriend.  He said oh yeah about that will you be my girlfriend? I looked at him saying seriously and he laughed and said yes. So of course I said yes. It was crazy how quickly our love grew. We matched on March 14th, had our first date on April 3rd and officially became boyfriend and girlfriend on April 25th.  I never thought something like this could happen.

Now our proposal – this is honestly too funny not to share because it describes us too well.  During spring break, we decided to go to Aruba. I had an idea that he was going to propose but I didn’t know how he would do it or when he would do it.  We did go ring shopping so I knew things were in the works. We arrived to Aruba on Monday and nothing.  Tuesday comes along and again nothing.  I was like maybe it is not happening.  I actually texted my best friends saying I don’t think he is going to propose and she was like Lauren stop looking for it and enjoy the vacation.  I decided fine let me let loose.  On Wednesday, April 13th we decided to have a chill day by the beach and relax.  It was such a nice sunny day.  He said we are going to eat at this expensive place – I knew then he was going to propose that day.  Here are the hints.  So we started to go back to room to get dressed.  I was curling my hair when I burned myself pretty bad. I screamed that I burned my finger. Joe came running and said which finger did you burn? It was my right pointer finger (hint #1). We were getting ready to leave the room and he said wait I forgot my phone. I looked down at his pants and saw his phone in his pocket (hint #2).  He was so nervous and jumpy all of a sudden like he kept saying we are going to be late (hint #3).  Now hours before all of this, the lady from the restaurant called and asked me questions about my dietary restrictions and said to us that we have to be at the restaurant at 6:30PM and to meet your host by the white umbrellas.  (Unbeknownst to me, the lady I was speaking to was not from the restaurant, she was a photographer that Joe hired to take pictures and video of the proposal and have a mini photoshoot).

Now we are in the cab and Joe is saying drop us off here. I am telling Joe if we are going to be late then drop us off in front of the restaurant. He insisted that we listen to the hostess on the phone. So I said fine and we proceeded to walk to the beach.  When we got to the beach, there was so many people that I said to Joe where is this restaurant? He said down there by the white umbrellas. Now if you can picture this, the white umbrellas were about a mile or a mile and a half away and we are walking on the beach with the Aruba wind blowing everywhere.  Of course, Joe is trying to be comforting and saying walk towards the water and I am telling him no because my feet will get wet and then I will have sandy feet in this fancy restaurant. So he proceeds to lean towards me into the water. I’m yelling at him like Joe what are you doing? You are such a fool. At this point, my calves were killing me from walking too.  He then goes to grab my bag and I am like what are you doing grabbing my bag. I go and look in the sand behind me and there is a sign that said marry me in red rose pedals. I look at him in shocked and then started to laugh and cry.  I whisper in his ear to please let me face with the wind against my face.  He laughed and said of course.  Before he even got down on one knee, he introduced me to the photographers. We finally got ourselves together and Joe got down on one knee and asked if I will marry him. I said yes and everyone on the beach was cheering for us.  The photographer was so nice but told me that we would’ve been closer but a cruise ship just docked and let off all these people so that’s why we had to walk to far.  At that moment I was just so happy. We did have our photoshoot and ended up going to dinner.  I barely ate and Joe ate everything. I just couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel and tell everyone. All I can say is I love you Joe and I can’t wait till our forever!